How DentalVibe Works!

DentalVibe uses vibration to help block pain signals from the brain.

Needle fears keep many people away from the dentist. Postponing dental procedures because of these fears is common, but ultimately results in worsening problems and other serious oral health concerns.

DentalVibe applies a light vibration to the tissues around the injection site while anesthesia injections are administered. Research has shown that when vibration and injection sensations are occurring simultaneously, the vibration feeling reaches the brain first and essentially blocks the feeling of the injection from being perceived by the brain. Children and adults no longer have to be afraid of the needle. Interested in learning how to integrate DentalVibe into your practice? Request your no-cost consultation here!  

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Certified dentalvibe dentist:
Jeffry Shaefer, DDS - Harvard School of Dental Medicine
The Science Behind DentalVibe
DentalVibe Science and How-to Videos

Dive into the science of how DentalVibe manipulates the pain gate during the injection, and how to properly use this revolutionary dental device.

DentalVibe science and how-to videos transcriptions. Open the tab to read along as the video plays.

Dentists review the DentalVibe, and talk about how it helped grow their practices!

It’s excellent!
Dr thomas bergman
Thomas Bergman, DDS
DentalVibe Anxiety-Free Dentist
My patients that have experienced DentalVibe have been very happy!
Dr. Tatyana nudel
Tatyana Nudel, DDS
DentalVibe Anxiety-Free Dentist
Wonderful feedback from our patients!
Sue macintosh
Sue MacIntosh
DentalVibe Anxiety-Free Dentist
Dramatically reduce the discomfort with any in mouth injection!
Dr john schultz
John Schultz, DDS
DentalVibe Anxiety-Free Dentist
It’s, pretty much a big bang for your buck and makes your patients really comfortable. I highly recommend it! Get it!
Dr alan markowitz
Alan Markowitz, DDS
DentalVibe Anxiety-Free Dentist
I always thought I gave a good dental-injection but with the DentalVibe, I give a great one!
John C. Comisi, DDS
DentalVibe Anxiety-Free Dentist
Featured Dendentists discuss DentalVibe

Dentists don't want their patients to experience fear.
– John C. Comisi DDS

Be your patients hero, not someone they fear! Anxiety-Free Dentistry will have your clients singing your praises and referring their friends!

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