A crown is a cap placed on a damaged tooth. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including ceramic and metal. Crowns are specifically designed to match the shape and size of your missing teeth. This enables them to fit in the spaces in your mouth perfectly.
When choosing a crown, there are several factors to consider:
- Durability
- Strength
- Cost
- Appearance
Materials used for dental crowns
Some of the most popular materials used in making crowns include:
- Ceramic
- Porcelain
- Metal
- Zirconia
- Composite resin
- A combination of various materials for example, porcelain fused with metal
Things to keep in mind when selecting the material for the crown:
- The color of the surrounding teeth
- The number of natural teeth that remain
- The function of the tooth that needs the crown
- The location of your tooth
- Whether the tooth will show when you talk and smile
- The position of the gumline and surrounding tissue
Common types of crowns
Temporary crown
A temporary crown is placed in your mouth for a short period before a permanent crown or implant is prepared. This ensures that you can talk in confidence or eat while you await final treatment.
One-day crown
One-day crowns are placed in a single appointment. These crowns are made using computer-aided design and are milled and cut right in the dental clinic.
¾ or onlay crown
Sometimes you need a crown to cover only a part of your tooth. These crowns are called onlay or ¾ crowns.
When do you need a crown?
You may need a crown in any of the following situations:
- The cavity on your tooth is too large to be filled well
- The crown of your natural tooth is severely worn down
- Your tooth is cracked
- Your tooth has become weak from trauma or oral conditions
- You have had a root canal procedure