Clinical Study Conducted By: Rahaf Dak-Albab; Mohammad Bashier Al-Monagel; Rana Koshha; and Hisham Shakhashero; from the Department Dental College, Damascus University and Rania Soudan; Associate Dentist, Dental Public Health MSc.Department Dental College, Damascus University and Rania Soudan; Associate Dentist, Dental Public Health MSc.
Conclusion: Our study proves that vibration technique with DentalVibe device can be used as a simple and effective method to alleviate pain associated with dental injections as compared to traditional topical analgesic gels.
Clinical Study Conducted By: Jeffry R. Shaefer, DDS, MS, MPH; Stephanie J. Lee, BS; and Nina K. Anderson, Ph.D.; from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
Conclusion: This study showed that for subjects in this study, the DV3 significantly reduced pain from dental anesthesia when used with injections that are routinely difficult for patients to tolerate, such as the LB and IAN. The use of the DV3 did not influence the time it took to achieve complete mandibular anesthesia in this cohort of subjects. The pulsed vibration provided by the DV3 seems effective for controlling patient discomfort and improving pain control during the administration of dental anesthesia. The DV3 device could also be considered for use in medical practices when local anesthesia is used without sedation, as the use of vibration to prevent discomfort from cutaneous injection has been reported in two clinical trials, one that involved taking blood in a pediatric population and the other involving eyelid surgery. Pain control during procedures that cause discomfort, such as joint manipulation, wound cleaning, or bandage removal, that are routinely done without the use of local anesthesia could also benefit from the counter-stimulation effect of pulsed vibration. The role that the DV3’s unique pulsation frequency plays in controlling pain transmission warrants further investigation.
Clinical Study Conducted By: Tufts School of Medicine
Conclusion: Based on this study’s results, the following conclusion can be made: Use of the DentalVibe® injection system significantly reduced pain associated with infiltration injection of local anesthesia in an adolescent population.
Clinical Study Conducted By: The University of the Pacific
Conclusion: Dental anesthesia is presented and learned in more ways than traditional methods. Newer innovations have elevated dental anesthesia to a new level of patient comfort and oral healthcare provider safety. Advancements in preclinical education are the new normal, with technology providing flexibility for different learning styles, making learning deeper and more meaningful and better preparing the students for transition to clinical learning on live patients. Dental anesthesia is being taught differently with advanced innovations, but one constant remains: patient pain management cannot be compromised.
Clinical Study Conducted By: Sajedeh Ghorbanzadeh, Hoda Alimadadi, and Nazanin Zargar from Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, and Omid Dianat from Division of Endodontics, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, MD, USA
Conclusion: The results suggest that DentalVibe can be used to reduce the level of pain experienced by adult patients during needle insertion and anesthetic injection.
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